John Watson

Hello! My name is Watson and I'm a freelance developer and consultant. I create profitable web sites for clients of all sizes. Contact me and I'll help you build yours.

Pro Web 2.0 Mashups

I just finished technical review on a new book due out next month from Apress called Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services. (A technical reviewer basically just makes sure all of the examples work and that the technical stuff the author writes is correct and provides evaluations of the text from a technical viewpoint as the book is written.)

Anyway, it’s an interesting book about remixing and mashing up data from multiple online services via APIs. But one of the coolest things about the book—are you ready for this?—the author, Raymond Yee, and publisher have agreed to release it under a Creative Commons Non-commercial Share-Alike license! In addition, the draft of every chapter is available online right now and the published version will be available shortly. It’s practically an open-source book.

I’ve already been paid for my work on the book but I still feel too close to it to be able to give an unbiased review. But who needs a review? Go check out the book yourself and if you like it please show your support for openness and buy a copy when it hits Amazon.